Assignment 3 is available.


  • Academic misconduct is viewed as a serious offence. Please read this guide document.
  • Please also read the informatics guidelines on late submissions.
  • If you have any clarifications regarding syllabus, course organisation, etc. for this course, please contact Kartic before the end of Week 2.


  • Final marks will be via 3 programming assignments. Each assignment is worth 50 marks.
  • Your final mark will be the sum of the best two marks. e.g. if you score 50/50, 0/50 and 45/50, your final mark will be 95/100.
  • Expect about 1.5h of independent effort per day towards this course.
  • You will *not* be tested via an exam.


Kartic Subr (Instructor)

Alexandros Keros (TA)

Martin Asenov (Tutor)


title topics PBRT book sections reading slides
Lecture 1 Introduction and course overview .pdf .pptx
Lecture 2 Imaging: Geometry, perspective, radiometry, photometry 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4 [Marschner] .pdf .pptx
Lecture 3 Modelling: Geometry, lighting, materials Ch 3. Ch.6 of [1], Ch.1 of [2], .pdf .pptx
Lecture 4 Raytracing 1 2.5 [3], [Whitted80] .pdf .pptx
Lecture 5 Raytracing 2 Ch. 4 [4] .pptx
Lecture 6 Numerical integration and Monte Carlo methods 13.1, 13.2 [5] [6] .pdf .m
Lecture 7 Monte Carlo integration and the reflection equation 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 13.3 [7] .pdf
Lecture 8 The rendering equation 14.4, 14.5 1.1 and 1.2 of [8] .pptx
Guest Lecture Errors due to sampling (by Alexandros Keros)
Guest Lecture Graphics simulators in robotics (by Martin Asenov)
Lecture 9 Assignment 2 Q & A, Sampling I 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Lecture 10 Sampling II 9.1 of [9] .pptx .m
Lecture 11 Camera effects: motion blur, depth of field 6.1, 6.2 [10] .pptx
Lecture 12 Signal reconstruction I [11] [12] .pdf
Lecture 13 The Fourier Transform 7.8 [12] .pptx .pdf
Lecture 14 Signal Reconstruction II [13] .pptx
Lecture 15 Integrators 14.5 and Ch. 16 [1433]
Lecture 16 Participating media Ch. 15
Lecture 17 Overview of CG I: 2D Graphics, 3D Modelling
Lecture 18 Overview of CG II: Animation, Fluid simulation
Lecture 19 Conclusion



# topic files resources solutions
1 C++ primer .zip [R1] [R2] [R3] .cpp
2 Textures .pdf [R4]
3 PBRT - animations .zip [R5] .cpp
4 BVH .zip .zip
5 Motion blur .zip
6 Importance Sampling .zip
7 Importance Sampling in PBRT .zip
8 Sampler in PBRT .zip


# topic issued due files
1 Augmented reality 23/09/19 07/10/19 (5pm) .pdf
2 Raytracer 14/10/19 04/11/19 (5pm) .zip
3 PBRT Sampler and Material 11/11/19 29/11/19 (5pm) .pdf


Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys & Wenzel Jakob,
Physically Based Rendering (Third edition)

The book is currently freely available online.

Other resources

  1. Computer graphics by Wojciech Jarosz, Dartmouth College.
  2. Introduction to computer graphics by Steve Marschner, Cornell University.
  3. Interactive computer graphics by Steve Marschner, Cornell University.
  4. Computer graphics by Wojciech Matusik and Fredo Durand, MIT Open Courseware (slightly older - 2012).
  5. Lecture notes from Stanford's past offering of CS164. Click on 'Lecture Notes' in the left pane. Highly recommended.
  6. SIGGRAPH (and other graphics) papers over the past few years.