ALE-1 2017/18 Course Schedule - Updated 14th March 2018 

NOTE Assignment 2 deadline now 4pm wednesday 21st march 2018

NOTE: May change throughout the course 

Some parts of this schedule ARE STILL TO BE FINALISED: Dates for student seminar series presentations, assignment due dates.
Parts of the schedule that MAY CHANGE include: The list of "topic units" and the order in which they are presented, guest lecture dates and topics. Depending on guest lecturer availability, other things may shift around a bit too (but not deadlines).
(Items in Italics may be updated)

Please note that all readings are listed, by class, on the course readings Page. This schedule has links to materials OTHER than readings.

Week of course Class date (Tues, Fri) Topic and activities

Class materials (Slides, handouts, etc)

Deadlines and feedback

W1/2 Tues 16th/
Fri 19th/ Tues 23rd Jan

Introduction to Adaptive Learning Environments:
What are those, anyway?
AND discussion of course themes, course format, and policies.

Introductory lecture and activities on Core Systems:
NB: Please try the systems matching activity before looking at the lecture slides or reading list.
Systems matching activity
Lecture 1 Introduction slides
The "Big Questions" for the course
Please read the course overview on the course homepage.
Please read the course support and e-mail policy ASAP, so that you know what to expect.
no deadline
Fri 26th/
Tues 30th Jan

Core systems and other examples continued (Cognitive Tutors, Autotutor and Standup)
Lecture 2 Core Systems slides , Lecture 3 Core Systems (contd.)
See Kopp et al. (2012) paper on the Unit 1 page for the example tutorial dialogue.
SSS1 sign-up via Doodle poll

Fri 2nd Feb/

Unit 1: Knowledge representation,
Introduction to Student seminar series 1 (SSS1) and Assignment 1 literature review: "What's the idea of reviewing?", seminar topics and group assignment.

Lecture 4: intro to unit 1, Knowledge Modelling slides

SSS1 and Assignment 1

Literature Review Guidance

SSS1 group assignment

Assignment 1 officially out (due to submit by 4pm Monday 26th February)
Tue 6th
Fri 9th

Lecture and activities on 
Unit 1 - Topic: Knowledge Modelling
Unit 1 - Topic: Learner modelling

Unit A
Unit 1 - Topic: Qualitative Modelling
Lecture 5: Student Modelling  slides
The BUGGY system game requires at least 2 people to play: someone to be "the system" and someone to be "the teacher" (human interacting with system). Each of these PDFs has 3 pages, each with 3 different problems (the instructions on each page of the PDF are the same).
BUGGY teacher instructions
BUGGY system instructions

Tues 13th

SSS1 presentations from groups A, B, C
Group A slides
Group A meta-review
Group B slides
Group B meta-review
Group C slides
Group C meta-review

DUE: Individual and meta-reviews for SSS1 (groups 1-3). You must turn these in in order to receive formative feedback.
W5 Fri 16th Feb SSS1 presentations from groups D, E, F
Students give formative feedback about how ALE course is going so far
Group D slides
Group D meta-review
Group E slides
Group E meta-review
Group F slides
Group F meta-review
DUE: Individual and meta-reviews for SSS1 (groups 4-6). You must turn these in in order to receive formative feedback.

19th to
23rd Feb
Flexible learning week; various school and uni-level events

W6 Mon 26th Feb
Deadline for Assignment 1, 4pm

DUE: Assignment 1,
Mon 26th Feb, 4pm.
See instructions document for submission information.
Tues 27th Feb/
Fri 2nd Mar
Hands-on workshop using the "Betty's Brain" system (use dice) - to be student led in seminar groups in labs. Read lecture 6. slides first, then work through the workshop. Be prepares to report back on Friday

Topic Unit B: Educational dialogue, motivation, and affect.

Introduce Assignment 2
Lecture 6: Qualitative Modelling, Betty's Brain slides
Questions for BB workshop activity

SSS2 and Assignment 2

University closed - no lecture
SSS2 Out to students

SSS1 presentations formative feedback returned

Assignment 2 officially out (due to submit by Wednesday 21st March, 4pm)
W7 Tues 6th/
Fri 9th Mar
Topic Unit B: Educational dialogue, motivation, and affect. Metacognition, help-seeking, and feedback Lecture 7 Dialogue slides
Homework activity on dialogue.
NOTE: Whilst these were not covered in a lecture, they are essential material and should be covered, together with associated readings.


Tues 13th Mar
SSS2 presentations from groups A, B, C Group A (first aid)  Group A slides  Group A design
Group B (driving)   Group B slides  Group B design
Group C (first aid)  Group C slides  Group C design
DUE: Group design summaries for SSS2 (groups 1-3). You must turn these in in order to receive formative feedback.

Fri 16th Mar SSS2 presentations from groups D, E, F
Group D (first aid)  Group D slides  Group D design
Group E (first aid)  Group E slides 
Group F (driving)  Group F slides   Group F design
DUE: Group design summaries for SSS2 (groups 4-6). You must turn these in in order to receive formative feedback.

Assignment 1 feedback returned
W9 Wed 21st Mar Deadline for Assignment 2, 4pm
DUE: Assignment 2,
Wednesday 21st March, 4pm.
See instructions document for submission information
Tues 20th/ Topic Unit B: Educational dialogue, motivation, and affect. Metacognition, help-seeking, and feedback Lecture 8 Motivation and Affect slides

Note that the following slides and activities were not covered in lectures but should be covered, together with associated readings.
Lecture 8a Modelling Affect (note these are older slides from previous years)
Lecture 9 Metacognition slides
Metacognition activity handout

Frid 23rd
System Design and Formative Evaluation Lecture 10 Formative Evaluation slides SSS2 presentations formative feedback returned
W10 Tues 27th/ Frid 30th System Design and Formative Evaluation/
Summative Evaluation
Lecture 11 Summative Evaluation slides
Tues 3rd/ Frid 6th April Summative Evaluation


Assignment 2 feedback returned

Previous years - additional material - for interest only Links to related materials - some relevant to this year's course


System design & evaluation List of design considerations, [from 2013/2014 class]
as a .doc file for information

System design & evaluation Workshop papers: may be useful for revision.
Crystal Island inquiry behaviours
Androgynous pedagogical agents
Formative evaluation of geometry SE tutor

Discussing deployment of the core systems, factors contributing to successful deployment, barriers and problems
Lecture 18 slides.
Betty's Brain classroom deployment paper:

ALE outside the classroom 1: Informal learning (focusing on museums) Lecture 19 slides.

ALE outside the classroom 2: Industrial and military training systems
Lecture 20 slides.

Synthesis, review, returning to "big questions": Discussing and classifying core concepts in ALEs
Handout for class activity on classifying ALE concepts-- what's most important to understand ALEs? NOTE: The list of concepts is missing one. "Feedback" should also be on the concept list, sorry!

Home : Teaching : Courses : Ale1 

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