ALE-1 Unit 1:  seminars,  seminar papers list and assignment 1

 updated 17th march 2018

1. Student Seminar Series 1 (SSS1): Manuscript reviewing for a paper collection

Seminar work officially assigned February 2nd. Groups will be determined by doodle poll sign up (see below, with the papers list). Presentations are on Tuesday 13th and Friday 16th February, 2018.


Summary: You are invited to be a reviewer for a new, book-length paper collection. The collection is about influential systems and their methods, and is meant to be a reader for an undergraduate course. Our class will review several of previously-published papers about the "core systems" to decide whether any of them should be included. These papers have, according to peer reviewers, already met the standard of work required for publication and have been published in journals or conference proceedings. Now we are asking a different question and assessing both the material, and how well these papers communicate about their topic area and methods to readers who have some knowledge of the area, but are non-experts.

Each paper will have its own small group of reviewers. Everyone will read their group's paper and make some notes for a short individual review, assessing the characteristics of the paper (there are some questions on page 2 of the instructions document to help you get started). Each group will then convene and discuss their individual reviews (within the group) to see where they agree and disagree. They will need to produce a short "meta-review" based on all the individual reviewer comments, with an overall decision about the paper.

They will present the paper content and their review to the class. Note that at least 3 of the 6 students in each group should present - the other will present in the second seminar series (SSS2). Each presentation should last c 10 minutes, with 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Each group is expected to have at least one question to ask after each presentation. Presentations will be on Tuesday 13th (Group A, B and C) and Friday 16th February (Groups D, E and F).

This is just the summary of SSS1. There are full, detailed instructions about what you need to do and what materials you can submit in order to receive formative feedback. READ THE SSS1 PDF INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE.


Tuesday 13th February:
Group A - Autotutor Emotions:

Group B - Autotutor:

Group C -  Crystal Island (1):

Friday 16th February:
Group D - Betty's Brain: 

Group E - Cognitive Tutors:  

Group F - Crystal Island (2):  


Starter papers for Assignment 1 and SSS1

Students can sign up for papers and seminar groups via an online (Doodle) poll on Tuesday 30th January. The link to the poll will be sent out to the class, and all sign ups will be first-come, first served. You do not need a Doodle account to sign up for a seminar group. All you need to do is follow the link provided and click a few things-- very easy!

A maximum of 5 students are permitted per group. Any student who has not chosen a group by noon on Friday 2nd February will be assigned to a group with open space(s). It is in your interest to hurry up and sign up!
You can begin reading for the seminar once you know your group.

A. D'Mello, S., Lehman, B., Sullins, J., Daigle, R., Combs, R., Vogt, K., ... & Graesser, A. (2010, January). A time for emoting: When affect-sensitivity is and isn't effective at promoting deep learning. In Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2010) (pp. 245-254). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
System: Autotutor Emotions
Most clearly relates to Assignment 1 question: 2, 4
Link to paper online

B. Kopp, K. J., Britt, M. A., Millis, K., & Graesser, A. C. (2012). Improving the efficiency of dialogue in tutoring. Learning and Instruction, 22(5), 320-330.
System: Autotutor
Most clearly relates to Assignment 1 question: 2
Link to paper online

C. McQuiggan, S. W., Rowe, J. P., Lee, S., & Lester, J. C. (2008, January). Story-based learning: The impact of narrative on learning experiences and outcomes. In Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2008)  (pp. 530-539). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
System: Crystal Island(1)
Most clearly relates to Assignment 1 question: 3
Link to paper online (note that you can also download the complete conference proceedings)

D. Tan, J., & Biswas, G. (2006, January). The role of feedback in preparation for future learning: A case study in learning by teaching environments. In Proceedings of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2006) (pp. 370-381). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
System: Betty's Brain
Most clearly relates to Assignment 1 question: 1
Link to paper online

E. Roll, I., Aleven, V., McLaren, B. M., & Koedinger, K. R. (2007). Designing for metacognition: applying cognitive tutor principles to the tutoring of help seeking. Metacognition and Learning, 2(2-3), 125-140.
System: Cognitive Tutor
Most clearly relates to Assignment 1 question: 1
Link to paper online
NB: If you are particularly interested in design or discussion of design principles, this might be a good paper for you.

F. Rowe, J. P., McQuiggan, S. W., Robison, J. L., & Lester, J. C. (2009, July). Off-Task Behavior in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. In Proceedings of AIED 2009, Brighton, UK (pp. 99-106).
System: Crystal Island(2)
Most clearly relates to Assignment 1 question: 3
Link to paper online - note you need to go down the list of publications to 2009 to find this

Group meta-reviews and slides (to be added after each seminar)

Group A slides
Group A meta-review
Group B slides
Group B meta-review
Group C slides
Group C meta-review
Group D slides
Group D meta-review
Group E slides
Group E meta-review
Group F slides
Group F meta-review


2. Assignment 1: Small-scale Literature Review 

Officially assigned February 2nd, due by 4pm Monday 26th February. Feedback due to be returned by Friday, March 16th.


See the General Resources Writing-related guide on Literature Review Guidance also for this assignment.

Assignment 1 marking guide is here. Please also see the feedback and marking page for more information.

The first assignment is to write a small-scale review of related literature, discussing at least 3 to 5 papers in some depth in order to answer a particular question, for example "what is the evidence that Autotutor-emotions impacts learners' interactive knowledge construction?". Your review should include at least 1 paper from the Seminar Series 1 papers list, and at least one non-seminar paper. You are not required to use the paper that you presented in your own seminar. You may use more than 5 papers if you wish, but this is not required.

Generally, all reviews will cite more than 3-5 papers, but many of these may be "supporting" citations which point the reader to other work or which give background information about systems and concepts, but are not themselves being reviewed in depth. Any additional papers cited should have been read-- really read, not just skimming the abstracts!

Keep in mind that this is meant to be a brief review that gives a snapshot of a certain topic or area and begins to engage with the ideas and issues. Do not try to write a definitive review of everything ever written about that topic or system! That would be an MSc/honours project in its own right.

This is just the summary of the assignment.There are detailed, written instructions about what you need to do and how to submit your finished work. READ THE FULL INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE.

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