INFR10067: Computer Security is a Level 10 course given in Semester 1 worth 20 credits. See the Course Catalogue entry.
Mondays | 10:00-10:50am | G.03, 50 George Square |
Tuesdays | 11:10-12:00 | LHB, David Hume Tower Lecture Theatres, George Square |
Thursdays | 10:00-10:50am | Lecture Theater 1, Appleton Tower |
Lecture SlidesSlides will be added below as we go along. The slides from last year will give a good idea about what's coming up. Readings are optional. Unless otherwise noted, readings are from the recommended textbook Security In Computing.
These are lecture slides, not comprehensive notes. You should
supplement the slides with notes taken in lectures, and from your own
reading. References and specific reading recommendations are given in
slides, further guidance is given in lectures. The examinable
material consists of what is covered in lectures, tutorials and
practicals (unless specifically excluded) and the reading recommended
in lectures.
Course resources
Tutorials and LabsUpdate: Tutorials now start in week 4. Tutorials and labs are interleaved. If you were at the week 3 Monday tutorial you do not need to attend tutorial in week 4 as we will be going over the same content.
Doodle poll to sign up for tutorials The following tutorial groups exist.
Tutorials are based on question sheets which you should use to help
guide your own study for the course. Solutions will be issued a while
after the question sheets so you can measure your progress. There is
not enough time to cover all topics; you should aim to cover remaining
topics to a similar depth of knowledge.
Coursework ExercisesThere are two assessed coursework exercises, each worth 12.5% of the final mark.
Documents above are in PDF format.
Comments, suggestions, corrections are welcomed.
To print course materials, make sure your PDF reader has
the correct page size and orientation.
Copyright: except where stated,
lecture notes and other course
materials are Copyright (C) School of Informatics, University of
Edinburgh, and respective authors.
Lecture slides prepared by David Aspinall and Myrto Arapinis with
additions by Mike Just and Julian Bradfield.
Please respect our rights over this material and contact us
if you want to use it in another context.
Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 131 651 5661, Fax: +44 131 651 1426, E-mail: Please contact our webadmin with any comments or corrections. Logging and Cookies Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all material is copyright © The University of Edinburgh |