Informatics Research Methodologies
Research Papers to Review

Number Papers Deadline Feedback
1 Madjid Merabti and David Llewellyn-Jones Digital Rights Management in Ubiquitous Computing in IEEE MultiMedia, 2006. 4pm Thurs 7 October 2010. Feedback
2 Nir Oren, Timothy J. Norman and Alun Preece Argumentation Based Contract Monitoring in Uncertain Domains in the Proceedings of IJCAI-07, 2007. 4pm Thurs 21 October 2010. Feedback
3 Michael Thomas, Evtim Peytchev and David Al-Dabass Auto-Sensing and Distribution of Traffic Information in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in I.J. of Simulation, Vol. 5, No. 3-4, 2009. 4pm Thurs 4 November 2010. Feedback
4 Chris Reed, Timothy J Norman and Nicholas R Jennings Negotiating the Semantics of Agent Communication Languages in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2002. 4pm Thurs 18 November 2010. Feedback

Click on the links to find the papers and the feedback. Note that the feedback files will only be made available after the submission deadline. For examples of feedback given in previous years, see the previous year's papers from 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10.

Use the paper's number when submitting your review, i.e. in

 submit msc irm-5  <paper number> <filename>  

Note that, to simplify the submission process, all students should submit coursework as MSc students.

Alan Bundy

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