This module runs in Semester 1. Lectures are 16.10-17.00 on Tuesdays and Fridays, in Appleton Tower 4.12. First lecture: Tuesday 20th September 2011. Note that lectures may be videoed as part of the Lecture Video Capture Programme.
"The Informatics Research Methodologies course should also be highlighted for its innovation and excellence. It provides an outstanding opportunity for students to get prepared for pursuing research in the field. I don't know of any other institution where such a course is available to undergraduates; Edinburgh students are privileged to have access to this course. Alan Frisch, UG3 External Examiner 2010."
Register for this course to ensure that you get email updates, are scheduled to give a presentation and get access permission to the papers for review. UG4s and MSc students should follow the Guidelines on the Informatics Course Registration Form and PhDs should follow the Registration Guidelines for PhD Students wishing to take an Informatics Taught Course. This is especially true for people "sitting-in" or "auditing" the course, i.e. not taking the assessment.
This course does not deal in depth with the methodologies of cognitive science, which are more akin to other natural sciences. Those undertaking research in cognitive science are advised to attend the following courses.
Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, Scotland, UK
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