Informatics Research Methodologies
Research Papers to Review

Number Papers Deadline Feedback
1 George Roussos, Andy J. Marsh and Stavroula Maglavera Enabling Pervasive Computing with Smart Phones Pervasive Computing, pp. 20-27, IEEE CS and IEEE ComSoc, 2005. 4pm Fri 9 October 2009. Feedback
2 Mark G. Lee and John A. Barnden Reasoning About Mixed Metaphors Within an Implemented Artificial Intelligence System Metaphor and Symbol, 16(1&2), pp. 29-42, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 2001. 4pm Fri 23 October 2009. Feedback
3 Nicolas Gold and Andrew Mohan, Claire Knight and Malcolm Munro Understanding Service-Oriented Software IEEE Software, pp. 71-77, IEEE CS Press, 2004 4pm Fri 6 November 2009. Feedback
4 Gerrit Renker and Hatem Ahriz Building Models through Formal Specification J.-C. RŽegin and M. Rueher (Eds.): CPAIOR 2004, LNCS 3011, pp. 395-401, Springer-Verlag, 2004. 4pm Fri 20 November 2009. Feedback

Click on the links to find the papers and the feedback. Note that the feedback files will only be made available after the submission deadline. For examples of feedback given in previous years, see the previous year's papers from 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09.

Use the paper's number when submitting your review, i.e. in

 submit msc irm-5  <paper number> <filename>  

Note that, to simplify the submission process, all students should submit coursework as MSc students.

Alan Bundy

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