         from data


For those that wish to sit for credit, the tutorials are compulsory.

Please either contact your tutor directly, or the ITO if you have any problems.

Tutorial Questions

The tutorial sheets will be made available here. Note that there are similarities to tutorial sheets from previous years, but until they are posted here they may be subject to change. The tutorials will commence from the THURSDAY of week 3 (note the change). The tutorial sheets are labelled by the week they are handed out. The tutorial discussing that particular sheet will be in the following week. All tutorial sheets are subject to change up to the point of handout.

Tutorial Sheet 1 (week 2). There are probably more questions here than we have time to go through in the tutorials. However, please attempt as many as you can since they are aimed to be instructive. Answers
Tutorial Sheet 2 (week 3).Answers.Matlab.
Tutorial Sheet 3 (week 4). You will need week4.mat for this tutorial. Answers: w4ans.pdf, w4ans.m
Tutorial Sheet 4 (week 5).w6ans.m
Tutorial Sheet 5 (week 6).w7ans.pdf
Tutorial Sheet 6 (week 7). w8ans.pdf
Tutorial Sheet 7 (week 8). w9ans.pdf

These pages are maintained
by Amos Storkey

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