         from data


Office Hours

Your tutor is your first point of contact regarding technical issues about the course. Your course representative is your first point of contact regarding general administrative issues about the course. Your director of studies is your first point of contact regarding personal matters affecting your study as a whole.

For specific issues regarding the LfD course which cannot be addressed by any of these people, you can contact me in my office on Tuesdays 1-2pm (currently subject to change), when I'll endeavour to be in my office, room C5 Forrest Hill. Otherwise, please arrange for an appointment, preferably by email to a.storkey@ed.ac.uk.

Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
5 Forrest Hill
Edinburgh EH1 2QL
Scotland, UK

Tel (+44) (0) 131 651 1208

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by Amos Storkey

Home : Teaching : Courses : Lfd 

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Tel: +44 131 651 5661, Fax: +44 131 651 1426, E-mail: school-office@inf.ed.ac.uk
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