Informatics Research Methodologies
Grant Proposal

Here are the links to the materials you will need for this assessment:

Each student must prepare a grant proposal on some topic in Informatics. The topic should be chosen to reflect the student's interests, for instance, it could reflect the student's intended PhD topic.

The grant proposal is an assessable component of the module carrying 40% of the total mark. Between 15 and 30 hours are allocated to it. The mark will be based on a case for support, which should be submitted electronically by 5pm on Sunday of week 10 (i.e. 14 December 2003, following the convention that Sunday is the last day of each week) as a postscript file.

 submit msc irm 7 <filename> 

Note that, to simplify the submission process, all students should submit coursework as MSc students.

The lecturer will fill in a pro forma giving feedback and a mark to each student by Monday of week 1, term 2 (i.e. 5 January 2004). Note that the mark awarded is provisional and must be confirmed by the Board of Examiners.

Skills to be Developed

The grant proposal is designed to help you develop the following skills:

The Structure of Your Case for Support

The case for support should be no more than 7 pages in length and follow the required format for EPSRC grant proposals, i.e. it should cover the following points:

I have provided the Latex source for the case for support, which you should download, complete, format to postscript and submit electronically. Note that the document style is set to 10 point and a4wide. You should not modify this or use other tricks to squeeze more text into your 7 page limit.

EPSRC have provided a document giving tips on writing a grant proposal. A link to this can be found here. I also have written some guidelines on writing a proposal and some tips on what referees of proposals are looking for.

Below are some links to successful EPSRC grant proposals, kindly supplied by Informatics staff members as exemplars. Note that they each start with a section entitle "previous track record", which you should ignore. I did not think you could supply such a section, since you will not have a previous track record to record, so this is omitted from the exercise.

Alan Bundy

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