Informatics 2A: Readings


Kozen, Dexter. 2000. Automata and Computability. Berlin: Springer.

Jurafsky, Dan and James Martin. 2008. Speech and Language Processing (2nd Ed.). Englewood, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Jurafsky and Martin 2nd ed., Chapter 1 is available online.

The first two chapters of Kozen are available here for the next couple of weeks until you purchase your personal copy.

Lecture Notes

Stuart Anderson, Murray Cole, Paul Jackson, Martin Grohe, Don Sannella, and Mary Cryan. 2004. Inf1A: Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines

Stuart Anderson, Murray Cole, Paul Jackson, Martin Grohe, Don Sannella, and Mary Cryan. 2004. Inf1A: Regular Expressions

Anderson, Stuart. 2006. Inf2A: Introduction to Semantics. Lecture Notes, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.


Vidal, Enrique, Franck Thollard, Colin de la Higuera, Francisco Casacuberta, and Rafael C. Carrasco. 2005. Probabilistic Finite-State Machines Part I. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(7), 1013-1025.

Vidal, Enrique, Franck Thollard, Colin de la Higuera, Francisco Casacuberta, and Rafael C. Carrasco. 2005. Probabilistic Finite-State Machines Part II. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(7), 1026-1039.

Rosenberg, Arnold. 1979. The Hardest Natural Languages Lingvisticae Investigationes III:2, 323-339.

Encylopedia Entries

MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences: Compositionality
Wikipedia: Alan Turing
Wikipedia: CKY Algorithm
Wikipedia: Chart Parser
Wikipedia: Compositionality
Wikipedia: Context-sensitive Grammar
Wikipedia: Earley Parser
Wikipedia: Noam Chomsky
Wikipedia: Recursive Descent Parser
Wikipedia: Scope


NLTK, Chapter 3: Processing Raw Text
NLTK, Chapter 5: Categorizing and Tagging Words
NLTK, Chapter 8: Analyzing Sentence Structure
NLTK, Chapter 10: Analyzing the Meaning of Sentences

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