MLPR 2017 | Notes | Log | Forum | Tutorials | Assignments | FAQ | Feedback
Written feedback will be given with the assignments. However, as with all courses, most of your time should be spent on wider study of the course. There are many other opportunities to get feedback on your understanding, but they require you to engage with the class.
In each lecture we will discuss some of the examinable material, and can review previous material. Ask questions, in person and on the class forum, and you'll get feedback on your understanding. Make the most of tutorials by taking an active role. Ask questions, and explain problems that you and your study group have had, whether you have solved them or not.
Although the class is large, I am happy to meet with as many of you as I sensibly can. Office hours are advertised on the main page. Or email me to arrange a meeting at another time. I particularly like to meet groups of people who have already discussed their question. However, as long as I can still fit in meetings, I'm happy to meet individuals too. Important exception: I do not meet students, or guarantee prompt replies, in the final week before the exam. Also you should not leave the assignment so late that you require an answer to a query in the last few days before it is due.
Good students will be attempting questions posed in the lectures. If you would like feedback on your answers, please post them on the class forum.
I find it really useful to hear how I can improve the delivery of the course. Please feel free to contact me directly with constructive criticism or suggestions. I used to elect class representatives for anonymous feedback, but they never contacted me. If you would like to send anonymous comments, send them via your year’s class reps, or in writing via the ITO. At the end of the course, please fill out the course questionnaire circulated by the university. BUT don't leave it until then to give me your feedback! Please email about any problems as soon as they arise.
Email Iain with any comments or questions: — Please do not simply select an "Iain Murray" in webmail. There are other people with the same name at the University. They are probably sick of getting my email.
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