Note: This page refers to a past version of the course. You can also consult the current APL course web pages.
This is a level 10 course in the School of Informatics, suitable for 4th year undergraduates and also open to MSc students. The course surveys recent developments in programming language design and implementation with an emphasis on technological advances on the state of the art. For further details see the course catalogue entry.
Lectures: Tuesdays and Fridays at 9am through Semester 1, alternately in rooms G.11 (Tuesday) and G.02 (Friday) of the William Robertson Building.
The APL blog carries information about the content of the lectures, homework, references and further discussion of background material.
Links: Map; William Robertson Building; Room G.02; Room G.11; Building information.
Contact: The course lecturers are David Aspinall and Ian Stark.
The most effective way to contact either of the lecturers is by personal email, from your University email address. However, many questions are better posed on the APL blog.
Coursework: Each lecture specifies additional reading and exercises on the topics covered. This homework is not assessed, but it is essential for those wishing to fully participate in the course.
In additional, there is a substantial piece of written coursework which contributes 20% of students' course grade. This requires investigation of a topic in programming languages and writing a 10-page report.
Link: Assignment details.
Blog: The course has its own blog carrying announcements about lecture content, updates to the web page, homework, and coursework. Some homework exercises may require contributing your own comments to the blog; you can also use comments to ask questions about the course, and respond to the questions of others.
You can also follow the blog on twitter.
Previous Years: The web pages for previous incarnations of the course include slides, reading material, and a lecture log. Exam papers and solutions from previous years are also available.
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