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MLPR tutorials, Autumn 2016

This is an archive of a previous version of the course. The 2017/18 tutorial page is here.

For those sitting the course for credit, the tutorials are compulsory. You meet with a tutor in a group to discuss the week’s exercises, and/or anything else the group decides to cover. You should do the exercise sheet before your tutorial! If you have any difficulties, that is fine. Come to the tutorial being able to explain where you got stuck. Even better, discuss with others in the class first, and be able to explain what a few of you think. Your tutorial group won't necessarily discuss everything on the sheet: full answers will be made available, so the point isn't to rush through all the answers.

Tutorial Questions

The tutorial sheets will be made available here.

Last year's sheets were different, as the course has changed in content, credit weighting, and order.

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