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Human Communication HC1 2010-11
Course GUIDE

HC1 is a 20 point course, running in the second semester. It is offered by the School of Informatics, in association with the Human Communication Research Centre (HCRC). The first lecture will take place at 15:00, on Monday 10th January, 2010 in Room FRN, David Hume Tower.

This course is designed to introduce and provide examples of current problems, research issues and methods employed in understanding human communication. A set of communication phenomena (e.g. humour, ambiguity,  non-verbal communication, tutorial dialogue) will be introduced and considered through a variety of methods, including participant observation, psychological experiments, introduction to corpus analysis, grammatical description and logical analysis. Examples and learning material used for this course will come from topical research.

There are no prerequisites for this course. In particular, although electronic mail and the internet will be used, no prior experience of using computers will be assumed, and necessary training will be given to those who need it.

  1. Background
  2. Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes
  3. Syllabus
  4. Activities and Teaching Methods
  5. General Skills Development
  6. Assessment
  7. Contact Points
  8. Disclaimer

Helen Pain
8th Jan 2011

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