Information theory tutorials

Please see the ITO page giving your tutorial group assignment. Despite what it says on the page, each group will have the first three tutorials from Iain Murray, and the last three from Matthew Graham.

A question sheet is set for each tutorial. You don’t need to submit your work, as tutorials form no part of your grade. However, take them seriously to stay on top of the material, and don’t be afraid to let us know when you can’t do the questions or needed significant help from others. If you are ever struggling, someone else will be too, and we can do something about it if we know.

You must attempt the tutorial questions before the corresponding tutorial!

As stated on the main page, you can hand Iain written tutorial work at any time if you would like written feedback. Attend office hours if you need to discuss anything individually. You can ask questions using the NB links after you have signed up to the class forum. Or ask questions on any of the other class materials by going via the NB main page (logging in if necessary).

There will be six tutorials in weeks 4–9.

If you ever want more to do, make sure you’ve looked through the lecture log. You could also review some additional review questions (2up), exam questions, or questions in the text book. Iain is happy to discuss these with you, once you have attempted them.

This page maintained by Iain Murray.
Last updated: 2015/08/17 16:32:04

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