Informatics 2A: Staff and Course Representatives (2017/18)


Mary Cryan. Office: Room 5.18, 5th floor, Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street. Email: Drop-in time: Thursdays 14:00-15:00, 5.18 Informatics Forum (Weeks 2-12).

Shay Cohen. Office: Room 4.26, 4th floor, Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street. Email: Drop-in time: Mondays 12:00pm, 4.26 Informatics Forum (Weeks 3-12).

Course Secretary

Kendal Reid. Office: Room 6.05, Appleton Tower. Email via the ITO: Phone: 513249.

Course Reps

See the Student Representation page.

Home : Teaching : Courses : Inf2a 

Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 131 651 5661, Fax: +44 131 651 1426, E-mail:
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