CNV: Assessed Coursework

The assessed coursework for CNV consists of two assignments, together worth 50% of the overall mark:
Assignment 1: Retinotopy and orientation maps
Available online in week 0, but updated for IPython notebook at the beginning of week 3. Based on lectures up to 6 February (for part 1) and 13 February (for part 2). Starting by 10 February is highly recommended to allow any issues to be solved well in advance of the deadline.
Due at 4pm Thursday, 27 February, 2014 via the online submit command.
Marks will be returned by 13 March, with specific email feedback on each submission along with an overall discussion of the class results.
Worth 20% of the overall course mark.
Assignment 2: Project, either the sample dichromatic vision project or another topic of your choice.
Available online in week 0. Based on lectures throughout the course, but can be started at any point, usually after completing assignment 1, and the earlier the better. A skeleton of one suitable project (chosen by class vote) will be provided after the due date of assignment 1, for those who want a more concrete starting point.
Due at 4pm Thursday, 20 March 2014, via the online submit command.
Marks will be returned by 3 April, with specific email feedback on each submission along with an overall discussion of the class results.
Worth 30% of the overall course mark.

For those without a background in Python, or who need some reminding, you should work through our tutorial sessions on Python. The first tutorial covers basic Python usage, and everyone should at least verify that they are comfortable with all of the topics in it. The second tutorial covers more advanced topics, and is likely to be useful even to people with a limited prior background in Python.

Students wishing to do well on the assignments should check out my list of writing tips. Also, when preparing output from the Topographica simulator, please keep these tips on generating high-quality figures in mind.

Last updated: 2014/03/06 03:37:53

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