Advanced Interactive Learning Environments UG4/MSc 2011-2012

will be updated throughout course

lecture Topics and Materials

 Last updated: 5th May 2012

This course will consist of lectures and discussions. Lecture slots are Tuesday and Friday 12.10 - 1pm in David Hume Tower, room 7.01.

1. Syllabus

The issues addressed will include the following:
Previous development of teaching systems and limitations; adaptivity in relation to the domain and the learner;
Methodology: empirically informed and user centred design; involving students and teachers in the design process;
Modelling and simulating domain knowledge;
Modelling the user: diagnosis, errors and misconceptions; modelling affect;
Pedagogical Issues: theoretical and educational basis of teaching tools; using Pedagogical Agents;
Models of interaction and communication; Educational dialogue;
Evaluating the design and effectiveness of educational software.


The main page for readings and references for the course is: Readings and Materials

Course material can basically be divided into:

material -  these will comprise:
  1. the content of the lectures
  2. the content of the seminars
  3. you will expected to know about a number of core systems - these include those covered in the seminars and others as indicated
  4. Required Reading that may be set each week
It will be assumed that you have read this material.

B.     USEFUL BACKGROUND material. This will be indicated as Background Reading, and  should help improve your understanding overall, and will provide additional examples. This will also include reference to other systems in addition to those indicated as 'core'.

OTHER MATERIALS: this will be links to various resources, references cited in lectures and other relevant literature.



Week 1:   Introduction and examples (lecture1 and 2 as pdf)

A. Required reading:

Joseph Beck, Mia Stern, and Erik Haugsjaa (2001). Applications of AI in Education, ACM 
    Crossroads Student Magazine, Fall 1996, 3.1, Issue on Artificial Intelligence. online at
This paper is a useful general overview.

B. Background Reading:

Example from CBBC Schools: Alien Cookbook - teaches numeracy (5 to 7 year olds)

Adventure Author:
Goolnik, S., Robertson, J. and Good, J. (2006)
. Learner Centred Design in the Adventure Author Project, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 16, 381-413. available from                               
McFarlane, A., Sparrowhawk, A. and Heald, Y. (2002) The role of games in education, A research report to the DfES,    
Robertson, J., & Good, J. (2003).
Using a Collaborative Virtual Role-Play Environment to Foster Characterisation in Stories. Journal     of Interactive Learning Research, 14(1), 5-29.                       
Robertson, J., & Good, J. (2005b). Story creation in virtual game worlds. Communications of ACM, 48, 61-65.
Robertson, J., & Oberlander, J. (2002). Ghostwriter: drama in a virtual environment. Journal of Computer Mediated  Communication.     8(1).th Retrieved 14 February 2006

Crystal Island:
Alelo Tactical Language and Culture Project:

Standup Project: see
Vicarious Learning Project: see

C. Other References and Resources: see Readings and Materials

Weeks 2 and 3:  Classic Intelligent Teaching Tools (
lecture3, lecture4 and lecture 5 as pdf )

A. Required reading:

Read the relevant sections that refer to LOGO, Sophie, Guidon, Quest, Envision, Qualitative Process Theory, Lisp Tutor, BUGGY/DEBUGGY/IDEBUGGY, WEST, Steamer, Scholar, Sophie, WHY, MenoTutor and Cognitive Apprenticeship in:
Sleeman, D. & Brown, J.S. (eds.) (1982), Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Academic Press.
Wenger, E. (1987) Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems: computational and cognitive approaches to the communication of knowledge. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

B. Background Reading: see Readings and Materials

C. Other References and Resources: see Readings and Materials


Week 4/5:   Approaches to design (slides6.pdf), Formative Evaluation (slides7.pdf )
see Readings and Materials


Week 6: Innovative Learning Week - no lectures

Weeks 7, 8 and 9:   Student presentations - see seminars page:

Tuesday 28th February
Seminar 1:
Group 1: Guidon
Group 2: Logo
Friday 2nd March
Seminar 2:
Group 3: Lisp Tutor Group 4: BUGGY/DEBUGGY/IDEBUGGY
Tuesday 6th March
Seminar 3:
Group 5: Sophie Group 6: Steamer
Friday 9th March
Seminar 4:
Group 7: Meno tutor
Group 8: Cognitive Apprenticeship

Week 10/11: Summative Evaluation (slides8.pdf)

see Shaaron Ainsworth 2003 tutorial slides:

Weeks 12: Interaction and Dialogue, (slides9.pdf), Conclusions


See Readings Page for more information and background

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