Can Computers Have Emotions?

Hot Seat Debate, 17 November 2004

The School of Informatics would like to invite highschool students, staff and students to a hot seat debate on the above topic. Members of the audience will be able to address any questions they may have to a multidisciplinary panel of specialists, whose research interests span Informatics (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science) as well as Philosophy and Neuroscience.

Picture of AIBO robotic dog
Sony's AIBO reacts positively to praise. Does this mean that AIBO has feelings and, if yes, are they 'real' feelings?
Time and Location
6.45 pm on Wednesday 17 November 2004
F21 Lecture Theatre
Psychology Building
7 George Square
Reference 29 on this map.

Participating Schools

All secondary schools and colleges from Edinburgh and the surrounding areas have been invited and we are pleased to be able to confirm that the following schools will attend :

Stewart Melville College
St Kentigern's Academy
Firrhill High School
Boroughmuir High
Liberton High
Royal High
St Thomas of Aquins High School
Drummond High School
George Heriots
Edinburgh Academy
Broxburn Academy

Can Computers Have Emotions

Hot Seat Debate

The Panel
Key Questions &
Possible Answers

Here comes the science bit
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science
Cognitive Science

With many thanks to contributing Universities
University of Edinburgh
University of Birmingham
University of West of England

The debate took place
at 6.45 pm, 17 November 2004
Lecture Theatre F21
7 George Square

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