Process report

How you organise yourselves as a group and plan your work will be key to your success within the System Design project. This is an area where your mentor will be able to give you support. You are encouraged to interact with the other group in your team as early as possible and if you have done so, you can also include information about this interaction in your process report.

The process report for your group should be between 4 and 6 pages long. It should detail the approach that you have taken to group communication, task allocation, progress tracking and any milestones you have set yourselves (although these may just be the assessed friendly matches). Early in the project you should make a plan detailing the work to be done and milestones at which progress will be judged. This may be documented in a Gantt chart. It is unlikely that you will remain faithful to the plan throughout the project, but without a plan it is difficult to judge progress. You may find it useful to make a revised version of your plan/gantt chart at key points in the project. The report may also contain an assessment of the risks that you anticipate for the project, and contingency planning that you have done to guard against them.

You are encouraged to include diagrams and tables in your report in order to make things clear, rather than just use textual descriptions. Large illustrations and references will not count towards the page limits.

The deadline for the process report is 4pm on Friday 17th February. The report should be submitted electronically using the submit command:
submit sdp process [filename]
where [filename] is the name of your report file. The report filename must be group-[g]-process.pdf where [g] is the group number.

Reports should be submitted by a group member nominated for this purpose, and notified to the group mentor at the time of submission.


The process report will contribute 20% of the marks for the course, and will be marked out of 20.

The marking will be based on the following elements:

General feedback for the 2017 process reports can be found in the feedback report.

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