Inf1OP progress tracking

The form is now turned off until next year :-)

Please visit this page every week, on Friday or Saturday, and fill it in with respect to the week just finished. Do this without fail, whether you are ahead, behind or neither. Over the semester, it should not take much more than an hour out of the hundred hours or so you should be spending on this course.

Pressing Send will send me (Timothy Hospedales) an email containing the data you enter, and it will copy to you at address:

University address:

Please take a moment to check that you've entered your student id correctly. I won't make you retype it to be sure, because that drives me crazy...


This week I attended a tutorial on: Thursday Friday
at: 9:00 11:10 13:10 15:10 16:10 17:10
in room:
B.09 B.10
NB the one you actually went to, regardless of which you're allocated to!

I found the tutorial

N/A, didn't go
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not very useful
Not useful

(Optional) Comment (e.g., say if this wasn't your usual time, or if you attended no tutorial this week):


This week I attended a scheduled lab on (tick any that apply).

Thursday morning
Thursday afternoon

(Optional) Comment (e.g., were you ever unable to find a seat? Did you want to speak with the demonstrator but have trouble getting time with them?):

Considering the Fundamental lab exercises:

I am ahead: I have completed this week's labs and some later ones.
I am up to date: I successfully completed this week's labs, including any optional exercises.
I am just about up to date: I successfully completed this week's warmup and core exercises, but not all the optional exercises.
I have some problems: I spent at least four hours working on this week's labs but have not managed to finish the warmup and core exercises.
I have not been spending enough time on labs: I have not finished them because I worked on them for less than four hours this week.
I am behind: I am still working on a previous week's labs.
I am not following the Fundamental labs because I can already do the final programming exam with ease.

(Optional) Comment (e.g., if you think there is a bug in a lab exercise that I should fix)

Individual Learning Plan

This week I have been working on (select all that apply):

a group project
an individual project
individual learning of some other kind, e.g., language study
advanced labs
fundamental labs only.

Please write a few words about your current plan, e.g., who you're working with and what you're trying to build, or what you're studying as an individual, how you're getting on. Or tick here if what you wrote before still applies.


(Optional) Any other comment that didn't fit in elsewhere?

Overall, how is the course going?

I'm learning effectively
I'm struggling, e.g., not keeping up
I'm bored, i.e., not succeeding in challenging myself

If you chose either of the last two options, take a few minutes now to make a plan to improve matters. If you find this difficult, talk to a tutor, or if that fails, to me.

If you haven't done the JUnit task yet, please see if you can do it now.

This page is maintained by Timothy Hospedales (

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