Week 5

Taking stock

This week we will introduce more Boolean connectives, but no new methods. We will only introduce new examples of things you have already met. This will give you an opportunity to consolidate the logic topics we have introduced so far.

In week 1 we introduced predicates and universes. In weeks 2 & 3 we introduced syllogisms. These bring a host of new ideas, Aristotelian propositions, negation, contraposition at two different levels, rules of inference. The key ideas include predicates represented as boolean-valued functions on a universe of individuals, propositions that express relations between predicates, and rules that allow us to infer some propositions from others. You should know what it means for a proposition to be valid in a given universe, What it means for a rule to be sound, and how to provide a counter-example to a non-sound rule. Finally, we found various ways to transform sound rules to produce new sound rules.

In week 4 we introduced Gentzen's sequents.

You should make sure you understand when a sequent is valid, and what it means to provide a counter-example to a sequent -- a universe in which the sequent is not valid.

You should be able to reduce a sequent using the connectives ⋀ ⋁ ¬ to (the conjunction of) as set of simple sequents &madash;these are sequents Γ ⊨ Δ with no connectives (Γ Δ include only bare propostitional letters), such that Γ ⋂ Δ = ∅ (the intersection is empty), and to use this to determine whether a sequent is valid, and to produce a counter-example if it is not.

For examples of of reduction see:

Last Thursday's Q&A recording (26:56) Open the tab below to see the pencil-and-paper notes created during the video.
One of de Morgan's laws conjunction of predicates more on de Morgan

Very few videos this week. I will add more in response to questions on Piazza, if there are specific topics or exercises you want me to cover.


A couple of videos on Predicates and propositions, which I made mainly to get aquainted with the technology

Contraposition (2:39)

The title says it all...

Venn Apples (4:42)

A test for using props that go beyond pencil and paper ...

Sequents (2:19)

A test for using props that go beyond pencil and paper ...

Implication (3:32)

An example of finding the rules for a new connective.

The Cut Rule (barbara for sequents) (1:58)

Gentzen's rules provide a complete system that does not require the cut rule. For many logical systems, cut elimination (showing that uses of the cut rule may be eliminated from any sound proof) is a major theorem. For us it is a simple consequence of the reduction procedure.

Supplementary on Sequents (7:11)

This video includes a couple of points from a 2019 review lecture on Sequents.

First we discuss how to use reduction to find an inhabited model in which Γ ⊨ Δ, which is equivalent to finding a model such that Γ ⊭ ¬(⨈ Δ) .

Then we discuss a confusion arising from our shorthand notation for sets of sequents on either side of the turnstile. What should we mean by ∅ ⊨ ∅?

Associativity of

A worked example. Spot the not-so deliberate mistake at 44 seconds in.!!