AI2 Module 1: Assessed Work

It is possible to get a copy of Sicstus Prolog for your PC. This is free of charge. It definitely works under linux/Windows 95/8 and WinNT/2k.

Request this from support.

You still need to verify that the program that you submit runs on the departmental version of Sicstus since that's what we'll be using to test your code.

The two assessed practicals are:

  1. Due Friday, 15 October, 4 pm, 2004. Practical on finding truth values that satisfy an expression: PDF.
    Here is a sample solution and the marking guide.
  2. Due Friday, 5 November, 4 pm, 2004. Practical on resolution. PDF Here is the draft sample solution and the draft marking guide.

The teaching assistant can help you with Prolog and understanding the practical. Find out more here.

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