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Title:From Lampreys to Salamanders: evolving neural controllers for swimming and walking
Authors: Auke Ijspeert ; John Hallam ; David Willshaw
Date:Jun 2004
Publication Title:5th International Conference of the society for adaptive behaviour, SAB98
Publication Type:Conference Paper
This paper presents how neural swimming controllers for a lamprey can be adapted for controlling both the swimming and the walking of a salamander-like animat. Using a Genetic Algorithm (GA), we extend a connectionist model of the biological Central Pattern Generator (CPG) controlling the swimming of a lamprey (Ekeberg, 1993) to control the locomotion of a 2D mechanical simulation of a salamander. We first summarize experiments on the evolution of alternative swimming controllers for the lamprey (Ijspeert et al., 1998). The aim of that work was to study whether there exists other neural configurations than that found in the lamprey which could control swimming with the same efficiency and to develop a method for developing neural locomotion controllers using a GA. We then present how that method, namely a staged evolution of the neural configuration of a connectionist model, can be used to extend swimming controllers to control both swimming and walking. Controllers which, similarly to CPGs of animals, can produce complex oscillations when receiving simple excitatory signals are thus developed. In particular, we generate a controller which can switch from swimming to walking and produce different speeds of motion depending on its excitation.
2004 by The University of Edinburgh. All Rights Reserved
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Bibtex format
author = { Auke Ijspeert and John Hallam and David Willshaw },
title = {From Lampreys to Salamanders: evolving neural controllers for swimming and walking},
book title = {5th International Conference of the society for adaptive behaviour, SAB98},
year = 2004,
month = {Jun},

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