Types and Semantics for Programming Languages

Course feedback


Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9.00–9.50 lecture
10.00–10.50 tutorial
All lectures and tutorials in AT 4.12.

Lectures begin 9am Monday 17 September in AT 4.12

The lecture schedule is here.


Coursework is worth 25% of your mark. There are five coursework assignments, each worth 5%.

Note: The coursework is not a light load! But everyone who does the work should score perfectly on the exam. (Literally. 100%. That's what proof is for.)

The assignment schedule is here.

Good scholarly practice

Please remember the University requirement as regards all assessed work. Details about this can be found at:


Furthermore, you are required to take reasonable measures to protect your assessed work from unauthorised access. For example, if you put any such work on a public repository then you must set access permissions appropriately (generally permitting access only to yourself, or your group in the case of group practicals).

Past papers

Go here and click on the link for past papers "Exam papers for academic sessions 2004/05 - 2016/17". Then search for "Types and Semantics".

To attempt a past paper, use plfa.Exam, once it is supplied.


The final examination is worth 75% of your mark.

Unlike most courses, TSPL has an online exam where you use the Agda proof assistant to assist and confirm your exam work. Because you will be working with Agda throughout the course, you will also have access to Agda for the exam. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact the instructor.

The final exam for TSPL is in December 2018

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