# TCM 2015 Student Presentation Feedback and Assessment Form **Presenter**: **Marker**: **Topic**: The highest possible mark on the presentation is 20, with 10 marks for content, clarity, and organization (items 1-4 below), 5 marks each for delivery and use of audio-visual aids (items 5 and 6 below). The presentation counts 20% toward your final course mark. Students will receive separate marks on their presentation, although these marks will clearly be correlated since you are both responsible for content and organization, and are expected to coordinate with each other. I) CONTENT AND ORGANIZATION: ---------------------------- Mark: / 10 1. Big picture and empirical phenomena 1a. Was it clear that the student understood the underlying cognitive phenomena and high-level questions being addressed? 1b. Were these communicated clearly and at a level appropriate for the audience? 2. Models 2a. Was it clear that the student understood the model(s) under consideration, including key commitments, motivation, and ostensible contributions? 2b. Were the model explained in a way that allowed the audience to understand its essential features? 3. Evaluation 3a. Did the student clearly understand the evaluation of the model(s)? 3b. Were the main conclusions of the evaluation communicated in a way that the audience could understand? 4 Summary, comparison, and analysis 4a. Did the student demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between models in the different papers, in terms of relative advantages and disadvantages, and complementary aspects? 4b. Did the student offer an analysis that went beyond summarizing the papers? 4c. Did the student tie the model to the high-level themes of the course? 4d. Did the student's answers to questions reflect a strong understanding of the papers? ## Comments: II) DELIVERY AND ENGAGEMENT ---------------------------- Mark: / 5 5a. Did the verbal presentation hold the audience's attention -- was it interpretable and engaging? 5b. Was the overall structure of the presentation easy to follow? 5c. Was the delivery confident and practiced, with a minimum of disfluencies? 5d. Was the presentation timed appropriately -- neither too long nor too short? ## Comments: III) VISUAL AIDS ---------------------------- Mark: / 5 6a. Did the visual aids complement the verbal aspects of the presentation? 6b. Were the visual aids clear and properly explained? For example, were all features of any figures explained? 6c. Were the visual aids engaging -- did the increase the audience's interest? 6d. Were all text snippets from the papers and third-party sources cited appropriately (even from the original paper)? 6e. Was the presentation free of typos, grammatical errors, and spelling errors? ## Comments: ## Additional comments: Overall Mark: / 20