Pre-assessment notes

The biggest project you've been involved with

As expected, there are people with a wide variety of previous experience on this course. The most striking thing was that experience of working with many people was even rarer than experience of working with a large codebase, or even working with the same project over a number of years. Almost nobody had worked with a team of more than 15 people: this means you are likely to see the context in which agile methodologies were developed as familiar, and the context in which higher ceremony processes like the Unified Process were developed as strange. Just bear it in mind.

About you

Most of you are expecting to be involved in development as your careers. I do hope the two people who strongly disagreed that they were looking forward to the course (but didn't say anything about why not) have found something more to their liking! We have a wide spread of how prepared people feel, how confident they are in Java, and how well organised people are. I will try to make it easy by keeping the things you need to look at on the schedule page in an ordered way.
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