SEOC Practical Work: Group Project

This page contains all the information necessary to complete the SEOC practical. In the practical you are required to work in a small group on the specification, design and implementation of a Supply Chain Logistics System (SCLS).

Customer Requirements Document

The following document by P&G provides the main information for your system requirements. It is the main source for eliciting and gathering your system requirements.

Your first task is to understand the main requirements for a Supply Chain Logistics System (SCLS). Subsequent handouts will provide details on the two main deliverables and their assessment.

Sample Data

The following documents by P&G provides sample data. The samples will help you to construct and test the system. P&G supplies updated copies of all these files, with different values, to test the prototype upon delivery. These sample files are not necessarily representative of the real size of P&G UK business and contain no commercially confidential information.
Distribution Centres [DC.csv]
Customer Locations [CustomerLocation.csv]
Plant Locations [PlantLocation.csv]
Product Specifications [ProductSpecification.csv]
Product Orders [ProductOrders.csv]
Wagon Fleet [WagonFleet.csv]

Project Handouts and Deliverables

The handouts and deliverables provide detailed instructions. Over the course of the practical there will be several handouts issued. The coursework project involves two deliverables equally weighted.


  1. Deadline for Deliverable 1: 3pm Friday 31st October 2008
  2. Deadline for Deliverable 2: 3pm Friday 28th November 2008

Project Description and Organization

The following handout provides a description of the work project organization.

Deliverable 1

The following handouts are relevant to the first deliverable:
  1. The first deliverable is described in the note. Deadline for Deliverable 1: 3pm Friday 31st October 2008. [deliverable1.pdf]
  2. The Marking Scheme 1 consists of three different parts. Please fill in each part of the Marking Scheme 1 and submit it as cover sheet for your Deliverable 1. Note that you have to justify any allocated marks by answering each corresponding question and providing an assessment supporting your mark allocation. You have to justify your mark assignment by answering the questions and proving an assessment in a separate document, which will be part of your deliverable 1. [marking_scheme1.pdf]
  3. This is a general feedback to deliverable 1 - Specific comments have been provided directly on the deliverables.

Deliverable 2

The following handouts are relevant to the second deliverable:
  1. The second deliverable is described in the note. Deadline for Deliverable 2: 3pm Friday 28th November 2008. [deliverable2.pdf]
  2. The Marking Scheme 2 consists of three different parts. Please fill in each part of the Marking Scheme 2 and submit it as cover sheet for your Deliverable 2. Note that you have to justify any allocated mark by answering each corresponding question and providing an assessment supporting your mark allocation. You have to justify your mark assignment by answering the questions and proving an assessment in a separate document, which will be part of your deliverable 2. [marking_scheme2.pdf]


Much of the work of the tutorials will be directed towards completing the group project. The list of tutorial groups tells you what group you belong to. Note that tutorials start in week 3.

Tutorial meetings will have some activities associated with them. The tutorial handout describes the tutorial organisation and timetable. The activities are described here:
  1. Week 3. This is the activity for the Tutorial 1.
  2. Week 4. This is the activity for the Tutorial 2.
  3. Week 5. This is the activity for the Tutorial 3.
  4. Week 7. This is the activity for the Tutorial 4.
  5. Week 8. This is the activity for the Tutorial 5.
  6. Week 9. This is the activity for the Tutorial 6.

Software Tools

The course uses the open source eclipse, which consists of a development platform and application frameworks for building software. Note that there are eclipse plugins that allow the integration of UML diagrams with the java developemt framework of eclipse. Please look at the UML2 project documentation in the eclipse website. You may find useful some information in the wiki on MDT/UML2.

UML2 and UML2 Tools plugins:

Using Eclipse In Teams[Slides]
[Slides with Notes]
Using Eclipse In Teams

These slides provide a very brief introduction to the use of CVS repositories in order to support cooperative group work.

Note that they provide the information tyou need in order to access and use the SEOC CVS repositories.

Software Tools for UML[Slides]
[Slides with Notes]
Software Tools for UML

These notes are a very brief introduction to software tools for UML.

Generating Java code from UML diagrams

Three simple steps to generate Java code from UML class models:

  1. from your class model classmodel.uml file you need to generate an EMF (eclipse Modeling Framework) model. This is done by generating a "New" "Other..."... select to generate an EMF model... then follow the simple steps (i.e., select the classmodel.uml from your workspace) and "Finish".
  2. from step 1, you should obtain a classmodel.genmodel file (note that the "classmodel" is just the name I have given for this example). To be notice it is that the genmodel file contains already the structure tree of you class design...
  3. select the classmodel.genmodel and then "Generate Model Code"... you will get the Java class definitions... Note that there will be some extra code as wrapper for all classes...

Other UML plugins

Omondo EclipseUML enables eclipse with UML diagrams. Omondo provides a Free edition.

Warnings: some plugins and tools have some limitations with respect to modelling. They allow you to draw UML diagrams, although they provide limited support in order to maintain consistency and traceability between them. These limitations may affect modelling (activities) by introducing inconsistencies. Moreover, poor consistency and traceability affect software engineering practices. Note that the ability of converting, exporting or importing UML diagrams depends on the level of integration supported by the specific plugin. You may experience problems of compatibility.

This page is maintained by Massimo Felici (

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