SEOC1 Practical Work

This page will contain all the information necessary to complete the SEOC1 practical. In the practical you will be required to work in a small group on the specification and design of a secure coursework submission system for the School of Informatics. The handouts and deliverables provide detailed instructions. You may also want to read the following background information:

Much of the work of the tutorials will be directed towards completing the project. The list of tutorial groups tells you what group you belong to.

Over the course of the practical there will be several handouts issued, these are listed here:

  1. The first handout details the practical exercise.
  2. The first deliverable is described in the note. Deadline for Deliverable 1: 5pm Monday 25th October 2004.
  3. The Marking Scheme 1 consists of three different parts. Please fill in each part of the Marking Scheme 1 and submit it as cover sheet for your Deliverable 1. [marking_scheme1.pdf]
  4. The second deliverable is described in the note. Deadline for Deliverable 2: 4pm Monday 6th December 2004.
  5. The Marking Scheme 2 consists of three different parts. Please fill in each part of the Marking Scheme 2 and submit it as cover sheet for your Deliverable 2. [marking_scheme2.pdf]

Most of the tutorial meetings will have some kind of activity associated with them. The activities are described here:

  1. This is the activity for the first tutorial.
  2. This is the activity for the second tutorial.
  3. This is the activity for the third tutorial.
  4. This is the activity for the fourth tutorial.
  5. This is the activity for the fifth tutorial.
  6. This is the activity for the sixth tutorial.
  7. This is the activity for the seventh tutorial.
  8. This is the activity for the eighth tutorial.

This page is maintained by Massimo Felici (

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