Dear all, below are final guidelines for submitting your last deliverable. I appreciate that these have come very late in the term - that will be taken into account when your submissions are marked, and a 1-day extension has been added for submission of the Java code & testing instructions. Note however that the written part of the submission must still be submitted on Monday. Your submission should be in two parts: documentation and code. Your documentation (cover sheet - available from course web-page, revised use case model, activity diagrams and any other accompanying documentation for your Java code) should be submitted, as a team, to the ITO office (room 1502, JCMB) no later than 5pm Monday 10th. Your Java code and testing instructions should be *emailed* to your tutor no later than 5pm Tuesday 11th. When submitting your Java code, your email to the tutor should also include instructions for how to (i) compile the code into an executable form, and (ii) perform testing of all use cases. Ideally your tutorial group should email the code and instructions as one unit, but separate email submission for each individual team are also appropriate. Your email must supply sufficient instruction to permit the tutor to easily perform at least 2 tests of every use case that has been implemented. In a nutshell - the easier you make it for your tutor to verify that the (i) the tests give the expected results, and (ii) that this is because the code actually works; then the better mark you will receive. Thus your instructions need to (a) tell your tutor how to invoke *all* the necessary tests and (b) inform them what the expected results are. Here are some suggestions, in order of preference, for how you might do this: 1. Supply a simple "driver" Java test program, which either acts as a main class to glue the 4 subsystems together or - if you already have such a main class - invokes it. This driver program may either generate message calls to test all the necessary use cases, or may simply accept test input which is passed on as appropriate message calls to the relevant subsystems. While the driver program should be as simple as possible, it will still need sufficient documentation (perhaps simply in the form of code comments) to permit the tutor to assess it. 2. Supply four simple "driver" Java test programs, one for each individual subsystem. Other than failing to show that the four subsystems interface correctly, this is as above. 3. Supply written test specifications,informing how to invoke each test and what the expected result is, for every use case of the combined system. A simple specification written in (clear) English is sufficient. 4. Supply four sets of written test specifications, one for each individual subsystem and for every use case in that subsystem. To summarise: the bottom line for your Java prototype is that you must convince your tutor that (a) the code satisfies all necessary tests and (b) that, in the process, the four subsystems can interface correctly. The easier you can make it for your tutor to compile the code, run the tests, verify the results, and assess the accompanying documentation - then the happier they will be, and the better the mark you will receive. Enjoy, and once it's done - have a Very Merry Christmas Corin