Pre-assessment notes


This is something we'll talk about later in the course, along with other design qualities, but it does come up briefly in both Inf1OP and Inf2C-SE, so I wondered how much people would know. There was a wide spread, many people having no idea and many others knowing precisely.

The key idea is that something (data, or functionality) is hidden (has a capsule placed around it, en-capsul(e)-ated, if you like) so that it can only be accessed from a specific piece of code, e.g., the code of the class that owns the data or functionality. E.g., a private attribute or method in Java. To put it another way, clients of the enclosing unit cannot have a dependency on the encapsulated thing.

Why is it important?

As someone wrote, "It allows for more maintainable software". It does, in two distinct ways. Even more generally than that: it allows software to be more understandable by humans, and that in turn brings many benefits, including maintainability, but also, a higher chance of being correct in the first place. To see this, compare a public attribute with a private one, and consider these two different situations that can arise.
  1. Suppose you need to change the attribute. For example, suppose it was a single String attribute storing a name, and you decide that in order to accommodate a change in requirements, you should be storing first name and last name as separate strings. If the attribute was private, this is easy. You replace the single attribute by two, and you change what was a simple getter (saying return name; say) into a method that puts together the two new attributes and returns their concatenation (return (firstName + " " + lastName); say). Clients are unaffected. If you had a setter method for the old single attribute, you also have to rewrite that. If the attribute was public, however, you have to maintain it alongside your new attributes, and make sure that both copies of the information are kept consistent.
  2. Next, suppose in the course of debugging you find they're both getting nonsensical values somehow. How can you fix this problem? For the public attribute, you're going to have to find every place in the system that accesses the attribute, and see whether it's being set to something nonsensical there. For the private one, the actual value setting must be being done inside the class. If there's a setter method, you might not think you've gained very much: you might still have to look at everywhere the setter method is invoked (as above, that's why you only have setter methods if you really need them, by the way, don't just put them in automatically!) But even then, you can put some extra validation code in the setter method: you can do this without altering anything outside the class.

A few basically correct answers to the what is it question:

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