Post-notes on SDM Lab 3: More with Papyrus (partially updated 8/10/19)

Here are two projects that I built last year following the lab instructions, on an up to date Papyrus installation but at home on a Windows 10 machine.

Note there is an error in the multiplicities in the class diagram, which I wish I could say I put there deliberately to test you... but since it's there, see if you can spot it. See Piazza if you need help.

You should be able to have a look at them using the following procedure (there are other ways too). Please let me know if you try this and it doesn't work.
  1. Download both the zipped projects and unzip them, giving directories studentRegistration and studentRegistrationCode.
  2. Start Eclipse Modeling, picking a new, clean workspace. (By the way, for purposes of this course, I would recommend always starting with a new, clean workspace unless you're deliberately continuing with a piece of work. It's easier to keep straight than using multiple unrelated projects in one workspace.)
  3. Use menu option File, then Open projects from file system, to navigate to your directories. Import each of the projects separately.
Things to note: Here are images of the diagrams and a few notes on problems with them:

Spot the multiplicity error - also, are the types of the operations right?

class diagram

Use case name should not be underlined: that corresponds to an old Papyrus bug.

use case diagram

Sequence diagram should be set off by an actor instance, but the old version of Papyrus did not permit that.

sequence diagram

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