Research Thesis NeuroInformatics (RTN)
This describes the MSc summer project and dissertation
for Neuroinformatics DTC students. The mark obtained for the dissertation is worth 60 points.
Course Organizer:
Peggy Series.
In the Summer Term, DTC Students do a research project and write a dissertation.
The project and dissertation are similar to that required from the other MSc students in Informatics as described
here. However, there are few differences outlined below.
- The projects run full time for roughly 14 weeks between the Easter exam period and late August. Unlike standard MSc projects that begin only after Board of Examiners approval for progression based on the coursework results, the RTN project starts immediately after exams to provide more time for project work; progression to the project is automatic.
- Two options are possible: the project can be carried out either in industry or in an experimental lab (see specifics below).
- Students are expected to find their own projects in consultation with supervisors, rather than choosing from a predefined database. Students are invited to start thinking about this from the start of Spring Term.
- As part of the Neuroinformatics Research course, around the beginning of April, students will be required to write a project proposal which needs to be accepted by the DTC executive committee before the project can start.
- When the project is agreed, a self-proposed project form should be filled out, and at that point the project is managed like all other Informatics MSc projects, with the same deadlines, meetings, and deliverables (except for the additional poster, below).
- The outcome of the work is written in a dissertation of fewer than 20 000 words which is marked by the project supervisor and a DTC staff member (or any Informatics member of staff if the supervisor is a DTC staff member). The dissertation is judged on the work done, the results obtained and the write-up of the work. The results of the project are also written up in a poster,which is marked as part of the dissertation and subsequently presented during DTC External Advisory Board meetings and DTC Day.
Project in Industry
- The project is supervised at industry site and one of the DTC staff members assists with the organisation.
- The project must be related to the field of Neuroinformatics.
Project in Experimental Lab
This consists of a research project with a strongly
experimental component in an experimental lab
and, optionally, a computational component.
The project is supervised by the head of the
experimental lab and one of the DTC staff members assists with the organisation.
The experience with lab
practice, data collection, and dissertation writing is intended to prepare the students for their PhD
projects. In some cases the student will proceed to a PhD with an experimental component, but even
students choosing a theoretical PhD are expected to benefit from the knowledge of techniques and
limitations of data collection.
Central to the work is gaining experience in obtaining and analysing data rather than producing
conclusive results, as obtaining these tends to be difficult to plan in the biological sciences, in
particular in the limited time available.