Natural Language Generation

This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of computational approaches to natural language generation. The course covers common approaches to content selection and organization, sentence planning, and realisation. It includes both symbolic approaches to generation, as well as more recent statistical and trainable techniques. It also aims to provide an understanding of evaluation methods used in this field, an understanding of key aspects of human language production, exposure to techniques and tools used to develop practical systems that can communicate with users, and insight into open research problems in applications of natural language generation, e.g., summarization, paraphrase, dialogue, multimodal discourse.

Course descriptors are here:

No tutorials are planned for this course, but there will be occasional lab sessions.


Prof. Johanna D. Moore


4:10-5:00 Tuesday and Friday: Lecture Theatre 3, 7 Bristo Square [map]




Primary textbook:

Ehud Reiter and Robert Dale, Building Natural Language Generation Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Suggested readings: Other useful sources of information and reading:


15 Jan
No Class.
18 Jan
Introduction to NLG (Moore)
22 Jan
Hybrid Logic Dependency Semantics (Moore)
25 Jan
Introduction to CCG (Moore)
29 Jan
Lab Appleton Tower 5.05
1 Feb
Sentence realisation with OpenCCG (Moore)
5 Feb
Human language production (Moore)
8 Feb
Discourse Coherence (Moore)
12 Feb
Discourse Coherence Cont'd (Moore)
15 Feb
Content Planning 1 (Moore)
19 Feb
Innovative Learning Week. No Class.
22 Feb
Innovative Learning Week. No Class.
26 Feb
Content Planning 1 Cont'd
1 Mar
No Class
5 Mar
Content Planning 2 (Moore)
8 Mar
Sentence Planning 1: Lexical Choice (Moore)
12 Mar
Sentence Planning 2: Aggregation (Moore)
15 Mar
Sentence Planning 3: Referring Expression Generation (Moore)
19 Mar
Statistical Generation 1: Overgeneration and Ranking (Moore)
22 Mar
Statistical Generation 2: Trainable Sentence Planning (Moore)
26 Mar
Statistical Generation 3 (Moore)
29 Mar
Evaluation (Moore)

>This page is maintained by Johanna Moore

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