% This demonstration gives a slightly different view of the two stage sampling % process demonstrated in gp_minimal.m. See that file for more details. Here we % reinforce that sampling from the posterior really is just continuing the prior % sampling process given the values that we've seen. I like this version of the % demo because there's less linear algebra than in gp_minimal.m, but this % presentation is less standard. % % Iain Murray, November 2016 %% The kernel function (as in gp_minimal.m) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% rbf_fn = @(X1, X2) exp(bsxfun(@minus, bsxfun(@minus, X1*(2*X2'), sum(X1.*X1,2)), sum(X2.*X2,2)')); gauss_kernel_fn = @(X1, X2, ell, sigma_f) sigma_f^2 * rbf_fn(bsxfun(@rdivide, X1, sqrt(2)*ell(:)'), bsxfun(@rdivide, X2, sqrt(2)*ell(:)')); k_fn = @(X1, X2) gauss_kernel_fn(X1, X2, 3.0, 10.0); %% Sampling from the prior %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Pick the input locations that we want to see the function at. X_train = [2,4,6,8]' + 0.01; X_test = (0:0.02:10)'; X_all = [X_train; X_test]; N_train = size(X_train, 1); N_all = size(X_all, 1); % The joint distribution over function values has zero mean and covariance K_all = L_all*L_all' K_all = k_fn(X_all, X_all) + 1e-9*eye(N_all); L_all = chol(K_all, 'lower'); % Function values can be sampled with: L_all*nu, where nu = randn(N_all,1). % Because L_all is lower-triangular, the first N_train function values depend % only on the first N_train values of nu. We pick those first: nu1 = randn(N_train, 1); figure(1); clf; hold all; for ii = 1:3 % Then we consider different samples from the prior that complete those % first N_train values in different ways: nu2 = randn(N_all - N_train, 1); nu = [nu1; nu2]; f_all = L_all * nu; % These x's will fall on top of each other for each loop, as nu1 is shared: plot(X_train, f_all(1:N_train), 'x', 'MarkerSize', 20, 'LineWidth', 2); % But we'll get different completions for different nu2. These are % samples from the posterior given the 'x' observations. plot(X_test, f_all(N_train+1:end), '-', 'LineWidth', 2); end legend({'train points', 'completions / posterior samples'}); xlabel('x'); ylabel('f'); % Want to see samples from the posterior given noisy observations? You could % insert the following two lines beneath the definition of K_all: %noise_var = 1.0; %K_all(1:N_train, 1:N_train) = K_all(1:N_train, 1:N_train) + noise_var*eye(N_train); % You could extend the demo to plot a mean and error bars like in gp_minimal.m % Of course we don't see the random numbers nu1 directly when we observe data. % However, they are known: we can solve for nu1 from the observed values: nu1_from_obs = L_all(1:N_train, 1:N_train) \ f_all(1:N_train); assert(max(abs(nu1_from_obs - nu1)) < 1e-9) % Notice how almost all of the code above is comments, plotting, and tracking % which data points are which. Little maths is required to sample realizations % of complex functions given data.