Additional Support for Distance Learning students

This additional information might be helpful for the distance students:

  1. Weekly demonstrator contact hour (to be set up at a convenient time based on your location): ***
  2. Exam: you will have to take a 2 hour exam at a set date and time (probably April), probably based on using a web service. You will need a secure and reliable web access for this.
  3. Coursework: you will do each coursework in a team of 2. This will require some collaboration tool, e.g. Skype.
  4. Information on how to get University web services access (EASE) is here:***
  5. Information on how to get local computing access (DICE) is here:***
  6. Information on how to get virtual private network (VPN) access to allow matlab access is here:***
  7. Information on how to use Learn is here:***
  8. ***
  9. See also the Data Science, Technology and Innovation Programme's Student support pages
  10. See also the University's Postgraduate study online learning support pages

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