Lecture 5, Tuesday w3, 2014-09-30 ================================= **Reminders:** * No lecture on Friday this week, 2014-11-03. * Tutorials start next week. Please do the first tutorial question sheet. * Ask questions on NB. **Two things I didn't get around to mentioning last week:** * Sketching the Binary Entropy function. Understanding its features. * How to compute $\log\sum_i \exp(x_i)$ using standard floating point arithmetic, when $\exp(x_i)$ are too small or large to be represented. **Introduction to symbol codes:** * The idea: concatenate codewords without punctuation. * Uniquely decodable. * Instantaneously decodable. * Prefix codes. * Expected length per symbol. Compare computation to Entropy. * Decomposition of Entropy. Recommended reading ------------------- We are part way through the **'week 3' slides**. I haven't quite finished up to where it says lecture 5 ends yet. Ask on NB if anything is unclear, or too compressed. Ultimately you'll want to read all of **MacKay Chapter 5** in the next week or so. For now, I've talked about the material on roughly pp90--94.