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Informatics Research Proposal (IRP)

Introductory lecture: never

Course overview and schedule

In this course students write a research proposal. This is typically a proposal for the research that they will do during the summer project.
The course relies on tutorial session in which generic skills are learned and sessions with the supervisor to discuss literature and specific details.
Introductory presentation [pdf]
The schedule and all resources for the course can be found on the WIKI


The course is delivered as a sequence of tutorials. Attendance is mandatory.
Weekly tutorials will be held starting week 3 of the semester. Your tutor group is most cases the same as your IRR tutor group.
Days and times will be arranged by your tutor. [groups and tutors]

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Assignment Deadline

The IRP proposal is due at 4pm on 13th April 2017.
Please submit two paper copies of your report to the ITO.
In addition, please submit your assignment, in pdf format to:

Please read the Informatics policy on late submissions and plagiarism.

Information for staff members

In parallel to the tutorial sessions, where the students are learned generic proposal writing skills, the IRP is partly delivered by the project supervisors.
The following is requested of staff: 1) meet regularly with the student, 2) provide literature references for the project, 3) proofread drafts 4) and mark the final proposal.
Of course, a well-thought out proposal will make the summer-project much more enjoyable for both student and supervisor.

What is a Good Research Proposal?

Proposal Evaluation -- a short presentation by Stuart Anderson [slides]

IRP Guidelines give details as to what will constitute a good research proposal.

Here are two example IRP reports from past years: one, two.

This page is maintained by Mark van Rossum.

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