Feedback on Wegner Paper Hypotheses: Wegner advances several hypotheses in his paper and you did a good job of identifying them. However, there is one main one, to which all the others are subsidiary, so I will focus on that, which is: That interactive machines are strictly more powerful than algorithms, and constitute a paradigm shift for computer science. Evidence: Wegner advances a host of arguments to support this hypotheses. Unfortunately, they are all faulty in one respect or another. Some of you were too uncritical in accepting his arguments at face value. On the other hand, I think there is a Good Idea here, which deserves to be drawn out. It's just a shame that Wegner makes such a hash of doing so. So, I reserved full credit to those whose criticism was constructive in trying to see what could be rescued from this idea. Below, I give some examples of the problems with Wegner's arguments. 1. Since the first half of the hypothesis above is essentially theoretical in nature, one would expect to see a formal definition of both interactive machines and algorithms, then a proof that the first was a strict superset of the second. For algorithms, he appealed to the standard definition of Turing Machines. However, there was neither a formal definition of interactive system, nor a proof of the superset relation. 2. Wegner's informal argument depends on Turing Machines not being able to take input from the environment during processing. I think a lot of theoreticians would dispute this exclusion. A great deal of work has been expended in formally defining input/output functions, for instance. There has also been formal work on potentially infinite data-structures, such as lazy lists, in which the end of the list contains a function for generating further elements on an "as needed" basis. This final function could indeed take input from the environment. So theoreticians have certainly not acted as if they accept this diminished definition of an algorithm. I was not expecting you to know this theoretical background, although you might have questioned this critical assumption in Wegner's argument. 3. Wegner draws a strict distinction between concurrency and interaction (top p5). However, by his own account these two forms of computation differ only in a modelling decision. Consider two interacting agents. If one wants to model both, then this is concurrency and has an algorithmic model. However, if you treat one agent as in the model and the other as part of the environment, then this becomes an interaction machine. 4. The discussion at the bottom of p5, where he allows that a closed algorithmic system can have an open, non-algorithmic subsystem, seems to completely undermine his hypothesis. Consider, for instance, enclosing an interactive system within an algorithmic identity function. This would enable the set of algorithms to contain the set of interactive systems as a strict subset --- the opposite of his hypothesis. 5. On p10 Wegner claims that the theory of interaction machines is incomplete. Firstly, this is yet another formal claim for which he provides no proof, despite claiming that there is a proof that does not require diagonalisation. Secondly, this claim does not help him, since the theory of algorithms is also incomplete. Indeed, Peano Arithmetic can be viewed as the theory of algorithms on the natural numbers, so Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem shows this algorithmic theory already to be incomplete. 6. On p3 Wegner claims that interaction machines cannot be completely described by first-order logic. If interaction machines are defined as concurrency in which one or more of the agents are excluded from the model (see pt 3 above), then this claim is true by construction, but rather vacuous. It then seems unfair to totally ignore the many logical models of concurrency, such as Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems, which was a fairly mature at the time of Wegner's paper. I could go on in this vein, but that's probably enough for now. On the other hand, it is clearly interesting to think about computational systems that can only be partially modelled and about which we can only have partial understanding, due to their interaction with the environment. It is also interesting to think about machines that are not intended to terminate, e.g. operating systems, web browsers. A lot of theoretical computer science has investigated precisely such situations, so Wegner's wholesale rejection of logic and formal methods seems uninformed.