Informatics 2 - Software Engineering - 2017/18

Coursework 3

To get started, you will need Additional information important for completing the project will be posted below. When changes are made the Change Log entry below will be updated and an email sent out to the class.

Change Log

Writing Javadoc comments

Java reference documentation lists a number of kinds of tags one can use in Javadoc comments. Some of the most important are @param for method and constructor parameters and @return for method return values. For this coursework it is sufficient to just use these two kinds. The Coursework 3 handout says in Section 3.1 "add class-level, method-level and field-level Javadoc comments to the provided Displacement class". As the Displacement class methods all have no parameters, please also add a Javadoc comment for the Displacement constructor which does have parameters.

Oracle's guide to writing Javadoc comments is worth browsing, but provides much more detail than is needed for this coursework. It is sufficient to just skim the "Introduction" section and, in the "Writing Doc Comments" section, to just take a look at:

Using Eclipse or some other IDE

It is strongly recommended that you use Eclipse or some other IDE for developing your code. Useful features include refactoring support to keep your code clean, JUnit support, automatic recompilation, and an integrated debugger where setting breakpoints and checking program state is quick and simple.

If you use Eclipse you can get started as follows:

  1. As in Section 4.2 of the handout, download the "" file and unzip it in some temporary location in your file-space to create a directory tree with top-level directory "TourGuideSkeleton".
  2. Start up Eclipse. These instructions have been tried out using Eclipse Oxygen (4.7.0) on DICE and Oxygen.1 (4.7.1) on a Mac. Very likely something similar works with other versions and on other platforms.
  3. In Eclipse, create a new Java project using File > New > Java Project. This opens up the first page of the new project wizard.
  4. Choose a "Project name" for your project, ideally without spaces. Here will assume the name is "TourGuide".
  5. Choose JRE JavaSE-1.8 for the execution environment.
  6. Select "Create separate folders for sources and class files". Click "Configure default..." to check the source folder is "src" and the output folder name "bin". Click "Apply and Close" on this "Preferences (Filtered)" page.
  7. Click "Next >". On the "Source" tab (the tab you are taken to), tick the box "Allow output folders for source folders".
  8. Click "Finish" to create an TourGuide project folder in your Package Explorer view with a "src" subfolder.
  9. Select File > Import. In "Import" pop-up window, select General > FileSystem. Click "Next".
  10. In the "File system" box use the "Browse" button to select the TourGuideSkeleton directory created from the unzip. In the white box below, tick the box by "TourGuideSkeleton". The "Into folder" should be set to "TourGuide". Click "Finish". With Oxygen.1 (4.7.1) on a Mac there is a glitch at this stage. See below for the workaround. When all goes well, you should now see in the Package Explorer the full "src", and "lib" directory trees. Assuming you have autobuilding enabled, the source files will not compile properly because JUnit library information is missing. The next step is to provide this information.
  11. Select your TourGuide project directory in the Package explorer and open a Properties window for the project using Project > Properties. Select the "Java Build Path" property, select the "Libraries" tab and click "Add JARs...". Select both the JUnit and the Hamcrest ".jar" files in the "TourGuide/lib" directory and click OK, then click "Apply and Close" in the Properties window.
  12. The Java source files should now all compile fine, and you should be able to both run individual JUnit tests and the AllTests class as a Java application.

Importing on a Mac with Oxygen.1 (4.7.1)

In step 10 when importing the skeleton files, it looks like the "TourGuideSkeleton" directory has been found, but, on clicking "Finish", one gets a pop-up "Information" window with the message "There are no resources currently selected for import". The workaround is
  1. click "OK" to dismiss this pop-up,
  2. untick the tick box you just ticked next to "TourGuideSkeleton" in the left big white box
  3. click at the end of "TourGuideSkeleton" in the "From directory:" box and hit return. A triangle now appears next to "TourGuideSkeleton" that allows one to browse the imported files.
  4. Now tick again the tick box by "TourGuideSkeleton" and click "Finish".

Tabs, indents and line lengths in Java code

The handout recommends you follow standard coding guidelines such as those from Google or Oracle/Sun. A common recommendation is that you never use tab characters for indentation and you restrict line lengths to 80 or 100 characters. You are strongly recommended to adopt both these recommendations, both because it is good practice and, particularly, in order to ensure maximum legibility of your code to the markers. I recommend using an indent step of 4 spaces as in the Sun guidelines rather than the 2 in the Google guidelines, for consistency with the supplied code.

The default in Eclipse is to use tab characters for indents. To change this, open the Preferences pop-up and navigate to the Java > Code Style > Formatter preference. Edit the existing Profile to create a new Profile that only uses spaces. Say name the new profile "Eclipse no-tabs".

In Eclipse, you can check the right margin setting and turn on a right margin indicator line by visiting the General > Editors > Text Editors preference.

Version control

You might well want to take this opportunity to try using version control for your project. If nothing else, this will back up your code and make it easy to work on shared code. There are a number of free repository hosting services available on the web. If you are new to version control, you might find it easier to start with subversion rather than git or mercurial.

If you do use a repository hosting service, it is vital that you choose one where your code is private to your coursework group, not open for anyone to read. See the School's advice on good scholarly conduct. Note that many free hosting services are geared towards supporting open-source projects and do not provide the option of making your repository private. For example, normal free GitHub repositories are not suitable, as they are world readable.

However, the GitHub Student Developer Pack does offer students the opportunity to create free private repositories. And a popular provider of free git-based private repositories is bitbucket.

There is no coursework requirement that you use any version control system and no extra marks will be given if you do.

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