Programming Competition


November 2017


10 entries by 12 students

<50 — <1000 lines of code

Find the code here

Yueyang Tang

The classic Mandelbrot fractal

Yueyang Tang

Malthe Sporring

5th iteration of the Menger sponge

Malthe Sporring

Johannes Laute & Magnus Kleinau

Style transfer with van Gogh paintings as input.

Yes, you can use Haskell to write tensorflow programs.

Johannes Laute & Magnus Kleinau

Johannes Laute & Magnus Kleinau

Third prizes

If the following people could come forward:

Ioana Buzduga

Mohammad Javad Khazali

Sonia M. Marshall

Deividas Kniazevas

Ioana Buzduga

A ghostly tree

Ioana Buzduga

Mohammad Javad Khazali & Sonia M. Marshall

Quadrillateral Illusion

L-system based, made of lots and lots of squares.

Mohammad Javad Khazali & Sonia M. Marshall

Deividas Kniazevas

Newton's method on different polynomials

Deividas Kniazevas

Deividas Kniazevas

Second prizes

If the following people could come forward:

Adrián Doña Mateo

Paul Georgiou

Bora Alper

Adrián Doña Mateo

Animated Julia set

Adrián Doña Mateo

Adrián Doña Mateo

Paul Georgiou

A scene of some colored, transparent, and reflexive spheres in a box.

There is a mandelbrot set on the wall.

Rendered with a ray tracer.

Paul Georgiou

Bora Alper

Interactive, infinitely-recursive, procedurally-generated Piet-esque compositions.

Bora Alper

Bora Alper

First prize: Theodor Amariucai

Newton's method based fractals

Flower power

Cobweb 2
