Week 2

Syllogisms using Venn diagrams

Lecture-2a-euler Lecture-2aa-venn

In these two videos we introduce deduction -- deriving conclusions from assumptions -- this a fundamental topic in logic.


This set of slides is split between two videos, to allow you space to think.

Euler (video)

We start by introducing barbara, the simplest classical syllogism, and the proposition, "all a are b", known as universal assertion. We introduce the mathematical setting we will use for our investigation of deduction, briefly review Euler diagrams, and introduce Venn diagrams.

Once you have watched the video above, check your understanding by drawing a few Euler diagrams and the corresponding Venn diagrams, each for a universe with three predicates. How many different Euler diagrams can you draw for three predicates?

Once you've done that, you're ready for the next video.

Venn (video)

In the second video, we return to discuss the relationship between Euler and Venn diagrams, and introduce some notation.

Having watched this video, you should be able to count how many different Euler diagrams there should be for three predicates. Can you draw them all?

You should also check you can recognise and name the following symbols:
¬ ⋀ ⋁ ⊨ .


Which of the following are valid in the universe represented by this Euler diagram?

a ⊨ b ?Yes, a ⊨ b
b ⊨ c ?No, b ⊭ c
c ⊨ ¬a ?Yes, c ⊨ ¬a
a ⊨ ¬c ?Yes, a ⊨ ¬c
b ⊨ ¬c ?No, b ⊭ ¬c
b ⊨ a ?No, b ⊭ ¬a

We use Venn diagrams to show that barbara is sound.


Here are three Venn diagrams, 1, 2, 3, and three Euler diagrams, A, B, C. There are the two matching pairs, for which the Euler diagram represents a universe in which every unshaded region in the Venn diagram is inhabited.

The challenge is to first select the non-matching pair. Then you can select the two matching pairs. For the non-matching pair, find a Venn diagram to match the Euler diagram and vice versa.

1 - ANon matching, in the Venn diagram a ∧ b empty.
1 - B ?No, the Venn diagram has six non-shaded regions. How many regions are there in the Euler diagram?
1 - C ?Yes, even though they look a bit different, these two match. You can check each of the six regions.
2 - AThese do not match.The Venn diagram has 7 unshaded regions; the Euler diagram has only 6 regions.
2 - B ?Yes, these match!
2 - C ?No, 2 has 7 non-shaded regions, while C has 6 regions.
3 - ANo, 3 has 7 non-shaded regions, while A has 6 regions. If this is the first region you've selected, Well done! No you have to, work the correct diagrams to match each of these.
3 - B ?No, in the Venn diagram ¬a ∧ ¬b ∧ c is shaded, but this region appears in the Euler diagram.
3 - C ?No, in the Venn diagram ¬a ∧ ¬b ∧ c is shaded, but this region appears in the Euler diagram.

Our second syllogism requires a new form of proposition -- universal denial.
Introducing negation gives a new syllogism as an instance of barbara.


We introduce the logic of negation.


Which of the following is equivalent to a ⊨ b? When they are not equivalent, give a counterexample, by taking a ⊨ b to be, "Every man is mortal" and describing what the invalid proposition in question would say in English.

b ⊨ aNo, b ⊭ a; every man is mortal, but it's not the case that every mortal is a man. (Think of Socrates' pet cat.)
¬a ⊨ ¬bNo, ¬a ⊭ ¬b; Socrates' cat is not a man, but Socrates' cat is not immortal.
a ⊨ ¬bNo, a ⊭ ¬b; it's not the case that every man is immortal; for example, Socrates is not immortal.
¬b ⊨ ¬aYES, ¬b ⊨ ¬a; If every man is mortal, then every immortal is not a man, or to say it differently, no immortal is a man.

Syllogisms for free! We see how some simple reasoning allows us to derive three more syllogisms.


This is a syllogism named Camestres.

You should first use the Venn diagram method to convince yourself that this syllogism is sound. You can do this by reasoning about the regions in the Venn diagram that are empty.

Which of the following rules may be derived from Camestres using a single predicate contraposition?

syllogism Which proposition from Camestres was contrapositioned?
a ⊨ bNo
c ⊨ ¬bYes
c ⊨ ¬aNo
syllogism Which proposition from Camestres was contrapositioned?
a ⊨ bNo
c ⊨ ¬bNo
c ⊨ ¬aYes
syllogism Which proposition from Camestres was contrapositioned?
a ⊨ bNo
c ⊨ ¬bYes, but it's not the only one.
c ⊨ ¬aYes, but it's not the only one.
syllogism Which proposition from Camestres was contrapositioned?
a ⊨ bNo
c ⊨ ¬bNo
c ⊨ ¬aNo
If you've got this far you may be eager for more questions.
Ask me more! Which of the four syllogisms can not be derived from Camestres by a sequence of one or more predicate transpositions?
syllogism You should have already derived this one.
syllogism You should have already derived this one.
syllogism You should be able to reach from Canestres this with two predicate transpositions.
syllogism Correct! Can you
either show this is not sound, using the Venn diagram method,
or find a wayto reach this from Camestres using a combination of predicate transpositions and substitutions?
Legacy Lecture from 2019

Legacy recording from a lecture delivered in 2019— you can use this to check your understanding.

You should listen at least from 28m02 onwards, where I propose a problem for you to ponder.


The video ends with a question that leads to another form of contraposition: contraposition of propositions. This will lead us to more syllogisms for free. We encourage you to think about your answer concerning the rules for sale of alcohol in Scotland, and try to generalise what you have learnt to our original rule, Barbara, to derive two more new syllogisms.

Don't worry if this doesn't make sense, or if you've run out of time. We will look at this idea in detail next week.