CNV: Computational Neuroscience of Vision

This is the home page for the School of Informatics course "CNV: Computational Neuroscience of Vision", given by James A. Bednar in January-March 2012.

This course uses the Topographica neural simulator and the Computational Maps in the Visual Cortex book; see the and web sites for more details on the simulator and book.

You will get a chance to run simulations of visual cortex development and function, and gain an understanding of what modeling can achieve, what it cannot, and how modeling can be done well. See the course descriptor or the lecture notes for more details on the topics to be covered.

This course differs from NIP in being much more qualitative, with very little mathematical work required, and by providing extensive background material on vision. It differs from NC by focusing on large numbers of units organized into topographic maps, rather than on more detailed study of individual neurons or small populations. It differs from CCN by being focused only on results from the neuroscience of vision and on models grounded on specific visual areas and circuits within them.


Last updated: 2012/05/02 12:03:59

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