Inf3 Computer Architecture - 2017-18
- Mar 8: Assignment 2 released
- Feb 5: First assignment released
- First lecture is Monday, 15th January 2018 at 10:00 in David Hume Tower, LG.11.
Lectures: Mondays and Thursdays, David Hume Tower, LG.11, 10:00 - 10:50am.
Course staff:
Textbook: Hennessy and Patterson
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (5th edition).
4th edition is also acceptable.
You are
strongly advised to obtain a copy of the textbook as
there are
no printed lecture notes for this module.
Course materials:
There will be two programming assignments, which (in total) will contribute 25% of the overall mark for this course.
- Assignment 1:
In this assignment, which will contribute 12.5% of your overall mark, you will
simulate various branch predictors using the Pin tool.
Out 5-2-2018; Due 19-2-2018
- Assignment 2:
In this assignment, which will contribute 12.5% of your overall mark, you will
implement and compare data prefetchers using the Pin tool.
Out 8-3-2018; Due 22-3-2018
Late coursework submissions: See the Informatics'
late coursework policy.
There is zero tolerance for any form of
academic misconduct. See the Informatics'
Academic Misconduct Policy.
Additional information and useful resources:
- Formative Feedback: Formative feedback for the CAR course will be provided through oral feedback provided during tutorials.
- Course Descriptor: Here
you can find assessment information, a link to a timetable covering
tutorials and lectures, and other useful info.
- Past exam papers: You can find past papers in the
ITO past papers repository.
Vijay Nagarajan,
IF room 2.04A, ext. 513440