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Lecture 9 - Neural Network Acoustic Models 3: CD DNNs and TDNNs

This lecture discussed the DNN- and TDNN-based acoustic models used in state-of-the-art systems. These are context-dependent deep neural networls with very wide output layers (typically 10,000 or more) corresponding to the context-dependent tied states of an HMM/GMM system. We also introduce the time-delay neural network, an approach which can learn wide receptive fields onto the input layer using hidden layers which each process a window from the previous layer.

There are surprisingly few clear and comprehensive recent articles about DNN acoustic models. The bast is probably Maas et al (2017), Building DNN acoustic models for large vocabulary speech recognition. For TDNNs the best paper to read is Peddinti et al (2015), A time delay neural network architecture for efficient modeling of long temporal contexts.

Context-dependent DNNs


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Last updated: 2019/04/17 13:53:16UTC

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