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Title:A Cost-Aware Parallel Workload Allocation Approach Based on Machine Learning Techniques
Authors: Shun Long ; Grigori Fursin ; Bjoern Franke
Date:Sep 2007
Publication Title:Proceedings of the 2007 IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2007)
Publication Type:Conference Paper Publication Status:Published
Parallelism is one of the main sources for performance improvement in modern computing environment, but the efficient exploitation of the available parallelism depends on a number of parameters. Determining the optimum number of threads for a given data parallel loop, for example, is a difficult problem and dependent on the specific parallel platform. This paper presents a learning-based approach to parallel workload allocation in a costaware manner. This approach uses static program features to classify programs, before deciding the best workload allocation scheme based on its prior experience with similar programs. Experimental results on 12 Java benchmarks (76 test cases with different workloads in total) show that it can efficiently allocate the parallel workload among Java threads and achieve an efficiency of 86% on average.
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Bibtex format
author = { Shun Long and Grigori Fursin and Bjoern Franke },
title = {A Cost-Aware Parallel Workload Allocation Approach Based on Machine Learning Techniques},
book title = {Proceedings of the 2007 IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2007)},
year = 2007,
month = {Sep},
url = {},

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