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Title:SpeckMAC: Low-Power Decentralised MAC Protocols for low-data rate transmissions in Specknets
Authors: Steven Wong ; D.K. Arvind
Date:May 2006
Publication Title:Proc. 2nd ACM International Workshop on Multihop, Ad-hoc Networks, Florence, Italy, May 2006.
Publisher:ACM Press
Publication Type:Conference Paper Publication Status:Published
Page Nos:71-78
DOI:10.1145/1132983.1132996 ISBN/ISSN:1-59593-360-3
This paper introduces SpeckMAC, a novel low-power, distributed, unsynchronised, random-access MAC protocol for a wireless mobile ad-hoc network of specks called the specknet. Two variations of the SpeckMAC protocol were compared theoretically with the well-known B-MAC protocol. All three MAC protocols were implemented on larger prototypes of the specks called the Prospeckz for a logical location maintenance algorithm for two types of batteries with differing current drain profiles. Prospeckz running SpeckMAC-B and SpeckMAC-D showed improvements in lifetimes over those utilising the B-MAC protocol by 27.4% and 38% respectively, when Polymer Li-ion batteries were used, and by 83.5% and 117.9%, respectively, when CR1220 button cells were employed.
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Bibtex format
author = { Steven Wong and D.K. Arvind },
title = {SpeckMAC: Low-Power Decentralised MAC Protocols for low-data rate transmissions in Specknets},
book title = {Proc. 2nd ACM International Workshop on Multihop, Ad-hoc Networks, Florence, Italy, May 2006.},
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = 2006,
month = {May},
pages = {71-78},
doi = {10.1145/1132983.1132996},

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