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Title:On Isolated Submodules
Authors: Roy McCasland ; Patrick F. Smith
Date:Aug 2006
Publication Title:Communications in Algebra
Publisher:Taylor & Francis
Publication Type:Journal Article Publication Status:Published
Volume No:34(8) Page Nos:2977-2988
Let R be a ring with identity and let M be a unital left R-module. A proper submodule L of M is radical if L is an intersection of prime submodules of M. Moreover, a submodule L of M is isolated if, for each proper submodule N of L, there exists a prime submodule K of M such that N is contained in K but L is not contained in K. It is proved that every proper submodule of M is radical (and hence every submodule of M is isolated) if and only if N intersected with IM is equal to IN for every submodule N of M and every (left primitive) ideal I of R. In case, R/P is an Artinian ring for every left primitive ideal P of R it is proved that a finitely generated submodule N of a non-zero left R-module M is isolated if and only if PN equals N intersect PM for every left primitive ideal P of R. If R is a commutative ring then a finitely generated submodule N of a projective R-module M is isolated if and only if N is a direct summand of M.
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Bibtex format
author = { Roy McCasland and Patrick F. Smith },
title = {On Isolated Submodules},
journal = {Communications in Algebra},
publisher = {Taylor & Francis},
year = 2006,
month = {Aug},
volume = {34(8)},
pages = {2977-2988},
doi = {10.1080/00927870600639773},
url = {},

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