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Title:Array Recovery and High Level Transformations for DSP Applications
Authors: Bjoern Franke ; Michael O'Boyle
Date:Jan 2003
Publication Title:Procs of the 10th International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC 2003)
Publication Type:Conference Paper
Efficient implementation of DSP applications are critical for many embedded systems. Optimising compilers for application programs, written in C, largely focus on code generation and scheduling which, with their growing maturity, are providing diminishing returns. As DSP applications typically make extensive use of pointer arithmetic, the alternative use of high level, source to source, transformations has been largely ignored. This paper develops an array recovery technique that automatically converts pointers to arrays, enabling the empirical evaluation of high level transformations. High level techniques were applied to the DSPstone benchmarks on three platforms: TriMedia TM-1000, Texas Instruments TMS320C6201 and the Analog SHARC ADSP-21160. On average, the best transformation gave a factor of 2.43 improvement across the platforms. In certain cases a speedup of 5.48 was found for the SHARC, 7.38 for the TM-1 and 2.3 for the C6201. These preliminary results justify pointer to array conversion and further investigation into the use of high level techniques for embedded compilers.
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Bibtex format
author = { Bjoern Franke and Michael O'Boyle },
title = {Array Recovery and High Level Transformations for DSP Applications},
book title = {Procs of the 10th International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC 2003)},
year = 2003,
month = {Jan},

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